On Friday evening, June 1, Military Club of Tahoma High School hosted its first annual “Send-Off” for seniors entering into military service. It is their way of saying to their classmates; thank you, safe travels, and uninterrupted success in their defense of our nation.
In his address, Keynote Speaker Colonel Michael Meyer instructed the fifteen enlistees on the meaning of their oath, the challenges and dangers they will face, and his personal gratitude for their willingness to serve.
Each enlistee was introduced by their military recruiter with anecdotes about the recruit and their planned specializations within the service. SSgt. Luis Vega (USMC) and SFC Josh Garlick (Army) spoke as well on the meaning and importance of military service. Allie Orozco rendered a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem and THS Senior Nathaniel Schreiner served as Master of Ceremonies.
Therapy Dog Abby is Military Club’s official mascot and was in attendance. Thank you to Donna at the VOICE for helping get the word out. The Send-Off will be an annual tradition at Tahoma High School.