It’s time for another successful Tahoma High School picnic. A picnic area has been reserved at Mud Mountain Dam for Sunday, July 30, from noon to 5 p.m. Suggested donations for a catered lunch with water and sodas is $5 to $10.
Alumni from the 1960s and early 70s are particularly invited to “come again”. Their good turnout last year was notable. Some thought they would schedule their class reunions to coincide with the Mud Mountain excursion this year. Fifteen graduation classes were represented in 2022. There were approximately 76 in attendance.
The beautiful park, located six miles east of Enumclaw, includes walking trails, an observation area, dog park, playgrounds, and covered shelters close to restrooms. Those who need further information about the THS Alumni Picnic can text, call, or email Julie Collier Holbrook at 801-946-9290, jholbrook2006@vrodrigu1956