County Council adopts water quality projects in Covington

Projects improving water quality in the City of Covington will receive funds from Water Works grants unanimously approved Monday by the Metropolitan King County Council. A total of $70,000 will go towards a key water quality grants in the City of Covington from the County’s WaterWorks Grant Program.

“I’m glad to have been able to advocate for these funds that go towards improving water quality which benefits both residents and the environment” said Councilmember Reagan Dunn, who represents the City of Covington.

The funds approved today will assist Covington’s efforts to improve existing stormwater collection, conveyance, and treatment systems within Timberlane Estates.

“We’re very appreciative of the county’s support,” said Covington Mayor Jeff Wagner. “This funding will expand our ability to retrofit an aging stormwater system and now provide water quality treatment within the Timberlane Estates neighborhood.”

The WaterWorks funds come from the use of up to one and one-half percent of the annual Wastewater Treatment Division’s (WTDs) operating budget for the purpose of “water quality improvement activities, programs and projects. The programs awarded the funding, chosen through a competitive bidding process, had to meet two criteria to be eligible:


  • Create a benefit to or improvement of water quality within the County’s Wastewater Treatment Division’s (WTD) service area and benefit its ratepayers; and
  • Demonstrate that water quality benefits are related to WTD’s regional water quality responsibilities.